When you like to know any information about something, where do you go to find out more about it? Jokes were generally broad and material was widely shared, or in some cases, stolen. You can't engage with an audience if you don't know your material: The best comedians make their performance seem like a random line-up of jokes or even things that happened earlier that day.
For those who seriously want to learn stand-up comedy, it should be noted that household name headlining comedians only use 10-15 words (average) before they get to a punchline. See how comedians perform and interact with the audience, and that could also fuel your inspiration and help you find a voice.
Just as a funny funny videos American comedy sketch depends first on the characters and the situation, before anyone has even said a word, funny standup depends first on one thing: the comedian's unique, fresh point of view. Learn stand-up comedy fast tip #1: You can rehearse your comedy material during everyday conversations provided that no one is aware you are presenting stand-up material.
I know comics that have done the same set all 3 years I have known them and yet I still book them in my rooms because I know that they are good at what they do. If you watch any high-quality stand-up set, you'll find they are almost entirely shot with multiple cameras.
If the audience dislikes the sentiment of the joke or bit, you can attack the character for being a douche. After you write your jokes, it is time to rehearse. If it's your first time running a comedy event and you're targeting comedians who are at the start of their careers, perhaps it would be best to pick a venue that will reflect this.
Let's start off with a book that's extremely great for beginner joke writers and that's also filled with lots of good exercises that you can do even when you have a much bigger tool box and much more experience: The Serious Guide To Joke Writing by Sally Holloway Holloway doesn't just have experience as a stand-up, she has also taught comedy in a classroom for years, which sets her book apart from a lot of the other instructional texts.